Calderdale Relationships Matter Programme: E-Learning for Volunteers

This programme offers support to improve the quality of personal relationships and reduce conflict.

Good relationships make a difference to all aspects of our lives whether that is with partners, relatives, neighbours, work colleagues.

However, children who see adults working out relationship problems in a constructive way are more likely to follow this example and have better relationships with others and enjoy life.

Some key messages:

  • Relationships are important and need work.
  • Good relationships can make us content and fulfilled; yet poor relationships can also make us feel sad, afraid, or lonely.
  • Arguments are a normal part of relationships but can be harmful when they are not properly resolved.
  • There is a difference between relationship conflict and domestic abuse.

The programme offer:

For parents

    Relationship Matters website           Checkout our online resource!

It offers information in different formats and in 26 languages, tips for getting on better, an online training course and links to more specialist parenting resources nationally as well as in Calderdale. They recognise that  arguments in families can be caused by lots of different factors and that parents may need more help.

They are committed to supporting parents whether they live together or are separated, and want to help deal with problems before they become more serious.

But it’s not just for parents – this programme can help EVERYONE!

Visit the Calderdale Safeguarding Children Partnership website to access 4 free e-learning modules on Reducing Parental Conflict. This can be accessed via Enable If you are a volunteer you are entitled to free training.

Click here to access the training portal.

They also have a toolkit available and free training on its use for staff and volunteers. Please contact for more information.