West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service Community Risk Management Plan
West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service is in the process of producing their next Community Risk Management Plan. The current plan can be found here.
FREE One-to-One Appointments with Disclosure & Barring Service Adviser
Free one-to-one appointments with a Disclosure & Barring Service Adviser are now available for groups and organisations looking to obtain information and guidance on DBS products and services.
Healthy Start for Families with No Recourse to Public Funds
The Department of Health and Social Care want to know what you think about whether Healthy Start should be given to families with no recourse to public funds.
NCVO and ACEVO develop the Civil Society Covenant
Over the past few months, NCVO (the National Council of Voluntary Organisations) have been working closely with the new government to amplify the voice of our sector.
West Yorkshires New Equity, Diversity and Social Justice Strategy
West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board wants an inclusive and fairer West Yorkshire.
2024 Crime and Community Survey
Today sees the launch of Neighbourhood Watch’s annual survey looking at your experience of crime and your connection to your local community.
NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board would like to know how people travel to medical appointments, and if they know about different support that is available to people.
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust Visitor Policy.
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust (CHFT) is planning to update its visitor policy to better meet the needs of patients and their families. The Trust is inviting the public to share their opinions on visiting times, what makes visiting difficult and what would improve the experience of visiting hospitals in Huddersfield and Halifax. The feedback will help to shape a new visitor policy at CHFT.
Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2025/26 Consultation
As part of their budget setting process, Calderdale Council agreed that they would review the Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2025/26. They are seeking the views of a wide range of people via a public consultation and via more targeted approaches such as this.
WY Police and Crime Plan Consultation – Partner Day
The WYCA Police and Crime Partnerships team are offering a consultation for partners who would like an in-depth discussion around the upcoming Police and Crime Plan.