Elland’s Cartwheel Youth & Community Centre Transforms into Inclusive Community Hub.

Picture of Jordan Baker
Jordan Baker
Major renovations are underway in Elland to transform the Cartwheel Youth & Community Centre into a welcoming and inclusive hub for the whole community.

Building work started in August with the new fit-for-purpose community building expected to be completed by the end of February 2024.

The new community hub will cater for all residents in Elland and wider areas, with hopes to utilise the space for youth provision, children’s play groups, coffee mornings and lunch clubs, as well as fun-filled events and activities.

The Elland Community Hub refurbishment is a part of Calderdale’s The Next Chapter, which will see Calderdale transformed into a socially and economically well-connected borough.

Funding for the renovations is taken from the Government’s Future High Streets Fund, a £1 billion fund to help renew and reshape town centres and high streets across the UK in a way that drives growth, improves experience and ensures future sustainability.

Elland Town Centre was awarded £6,310,812[1] to regenerate the area, with plans to pedestrianise the local high street, improve the long-standing Market Square and create a central Community Hub.

You can find out more about Elland and Future High Streets here.

Community spaces have become sparse over recent years, leaving many individuals, particularly those living alone or elderly, to feel isolated.

The brand-new Community Hub will be a pillar of support and friendship, providing the people of Elland with a space where they can unwind, take care of their well-being and connect with others in their neighbourhood.

This new lease of life in the once-neglected building will serve as a lifeline for those in need and boost Elland as a whole.

The Community Hub is already dedicated to getting the people involved and launched a survey in May to ensure the centre is truly shaped by the people who matter. The survey generated a great response and even launched a logo design competition to spruce up the new building with the perfect branding.

The winner was a local man from Exley, David, whose image will be used as inspiration by a professional graphic designer to create the new logo.

The Elland Community Hub are keen to invite more local people to get involved and is looking to recruit new committee members.

If you’re interested in joining the team as they embark on their new journey, please contact  info@ellandhub.org.uk

If you would like to keep updated on the refurbishment works and the grand opening of the Elland Community Hub you can visit their website or follow them on Facebook.

Do you or your organisation have inspiring stories that need to be heard? If so, the Community Journalist is eager to listen and share your stories!

Contact Jordan at jordan.baker@cvac.org.uk

[1] https://www.gov.uk/government/news/more-high-streets-set-for-funding-boost-as-reopening-accelerates