Police and Crime Plan 2024/28 – Youth Consultation Event!

The Mayor for West Yorkshire, Tracy Brabin and her Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, Alison Lowe OBE are responsible for overseeing policing on behalf of the public in West Yorkshire. To do this, they need to hear from all communities, including the experiences of young people across the county.

The Deputy Mayor would like to invite young people and those that advocate for them to her:

Online consultation event

Date: 23rd October 2024

Time: 18:30pm – 20:00pm

Location: Microsoft Teams

The consultation will be an informal way to share your policing, crime and community safety concerns with the Deputy Mayor. This will inform the new Police and Crime Plan which will set the direction of policing for the next four years. 

Book your free ticket here – Eventbrite Youth Consultation 

You can find more information about the consultation, including links to our surveys and how else we can engage with you on our website here