Training Sessions from Calderdale Valley of Sanctuary

Training to help you support people who seek sanctuary

Calderdale Valley of Sanctuary is the local chapter of City of Sanctuary UK, and their mission is to create a welcoming and inclusive Calderdale for all those who seek sanctuary here. They are proud to offer FREE bespoke training to local organisations of any kind.

The training includes information about what it means to seek asylum and what a refugee is, plus information about the local picture. They also invite their volunteers to share their experiences of seeking asylum. In addition to awareness-raising Calderdale Valley of Sanctuary tailor the sessions to cover topics of particular interest to the group, such as:

  • Tips for dealing with language barriers and cultural difference
  • Tips for dealing with the issue of trauma surrounding forced migration and the asylum system
  • A short overview of the regulations around volunteering for people who are seeking asylum

Contact Blake at to book your session!